Daily complimentary shuttle service to the Beach and the malls (subject to change) >Free access to Hyatt Regency Dubai recreation facilities which includes Swimming Pool, Sauna, jacuzzi, Steam Room, Gym, Jogging Track, Tennis. >Babysitting Service >Ice4 rink with full-time professional instructors >In-Door Shopping Mall that includes Supermarket, Pharmacy and Fashion Shops >Free High-Speed Wi-Fi internet connection • The Galleria Residence minimum length of stay restrictions is 3 nights for reservations over the 31" December 2023 • Check out on 31st December 2023 will not be allowed, the night of 31st December 2023 should be paid in this case • Mandatory Gala Dinner on 31.12.2023"/> Daily complimentary shuttle service to the Beach and the malls (subject to change) >Free access to Hyatt Regency Dubai recreation facilities which includes Swimming Pool, Sauna, jacuzzi, Steam Room, Gym, Jogging Track, Tennis. >Babysitting Service >Ice4 rink with full-time professional instructors >In-Door Shopping Mall that includes Supermarket, Pharmacy and Fashion Shops >Free High-Speed Wi-Fi internet connection • The Galleria Residence minimum length of stay restrictions is 3 nights for reservations over the 31" December 2023 • Check out on 31st December 2023 will not be allowed, the night of 31st December 2023 should be paid in this case • Mandatory Gala Dinner on 31.12.2023" />

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Descrierea hotelului

(Vat) Rates are inclusive of 5% Value Added Tax starting from 01 January 2018. Tourism Dirham Fee per bed room per night will pay by the guest at the hotel directly Check-In Time: 15:00 & Check-Out Time: 12:00nn. ** 4 Bedroom apartment will be available on Request Only Buffet Breakfast will served at "The Kitchen" Halfboard is defined as Lunch or Dinner (Set Menu) Fullboard is defined as Lunch & Dinner (Set Menu) Extra Bed provide by subject to availability SPECIAL BENEFITS (provided by the hotel): >Daily complimentary shuttle service to the Beach and the malls (subject to change) >Free access to Hyatt Regency Dubai recreation facilities which includes Swimming Pool, Sauna, jacuzzi, Steam Room, Gym, Jogging Track, Tennis. >Babysitting Service >Ice4 rink with full-time professional instructors >In-Door Shopping Mall that includes Supermarket, Pharmacy and Fashion Shops >Free High-Speed Wi-Fi internet connection • The Galleria Residence minimum length of stay restrictions is 3 nights for reservations over the 31" December 2023 • Check out on 31st December 2023 will not be allowed, the night of 31st December 2023 should be paid in this case • Mandatory Gala Dinner on 31.12.2023

ATENTIE! Persoanele cu dizabilitati trebuie sa anunte gradul de invaliditate, cu toate amanuntele necesare, din momentul inscrierii si confirmarii rezervarii. Nu ne asumam eventualele servicii speciale, ce nu pot fi oferite de terti, in cazul in care nu au fost semnalate in rezervari si in contractul de prestari servicii.

Conditii de plata si penalizare

Conditiile de plata si penalizare valabile pentru acest hotel le regasiti pe link-ul: https://informatiicalatorie.cocktailholidays.ro/conditii-plata-penalizare/

Informatii standard

Conform OG2/ 2018, la momentul ofertarii unui pachet de servicii de calatorie, atat agentia de turism organizatoare cat si agentia de turism intermediara, trebuie sa furnizeze calatorului informatiile standard valabile pentru acest pachet turistic. Acestea se descarca de pe link-ul: https://informatiicalatorie.cocktailholidays.ro/informatii-standard/

Informatii precontractuale

Conform OG2/ 2018, la momentul ofertarii unui pachet de servicii de calatorie, atat agentia de turism organizatoare cat si agentia de turism intermediara, trebuie sa furnizeze calatorului informatiile precontractele valabile pentru acest pachet turistic / destinatie. Acestea se descarca de pe link-ul: https://informatiicalatorie.cocktailholidays.ro/informatii-precontractuale/
Informatiile de mai sus sunt valabile si vor fi folosite doar in cazul in care Cocktail Holidays este agentia organizatoare, iar agentia de unde se oferteaza / achizitioneaza pachetul actioneaza ca intermediar.
Cocktail Holidays nu isi asuma raspunderea in cazul in care informatiile de mai sus nu sunt inmanate turistilor, la momentul ofertarii pachetelor.
Oferta generata din sistemul agentiei Cocktail Holidays, impreuna cu informatiile standard & precontractuale sunt parte integranta a contractului privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie achizitionat si nu pot fi modificate decat prin acordul explicit al partilor contractante.


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