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Petit Palais Hotel, Loutraki and the nearby areas offer travelers a unique blend of the most beautiful Mediterranean landscape, overwhelming history, culture and a people of great hospitality. If you want rest and enjoy the health of sea through swimming, come to hotel PETIT PALAIS. It is one of the best hotels you can find (10 meters from the sea ). It is unique because of its position, luxury, tidiness and entertainment. With a view to the Korinthian Bay, clear beaches and full of green. The hotel has been redecorated and has all the modern facilities. It is the paradise of our area and its also by the sea which is one of the clearest of Europe. With a view to the Korinthian Bay, Petit Palais is situated no more than 10 m from the sea, in Loutraki. Guests can enjoy a coffee or drink in the snack bar.  


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