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Descrierea hotelului

(Vat) Rates are inclusive of 5% Value Added Tax starting from 01st January 2018. Formerly "Somewhere Hotel Tecom" HB PLUS Meal Packages: Restaurant: Xandros Restaurant HB Plus package (includes 02 house beverages) Package is valid only in Xandros Restaurant. HB Plus package (includes 05 house beverages) Package is valid only in Xandros Restaurant. Check-in time is 15:00 hours and Check-out time is 12:00 noon. Important Note: Upon Check in, a security deposit of each guest will be taken for incidentals. Request for Twin Rooms & Extra Bed is subject to availability Extra Bed (Rollaway Bed) Bookable Room type with beach access: Kindly find the below offer details and benefits for the guests: • Exclusive Access to the private beach of Peaches and Cream ,including sun loungers and towels. • 10 % discount on Food and Beverage at Peaches and Cream Restaurant. • Buy 1 and Get 1 on the first round of beverage orders outside of the discount. • Advance booking is recommended. Please contact our concierge service 24 hours in advance to make a prior reservation. • Transportation will be arranged and schedule will be available at front office desk. • Tickets should be collected at front office desk upon check-in. • Validity from 01st May 2023 till 01st May 2024. Please mentioned below details upon reservation: • Room Code : “Bookable Room type with beach access”. Price: • Additional 28 $ - per person per day on top of the current room rates. For children under 12 years old ticket or voucher is not applicable.

ATENTIE! Persoanele cu dizabilitati trebuie sa anunte gradul de invaliditate, cu toate amanuntele necesare, din momentul inscrierii si confirmarii rezervarii. Nu ne asumam eventualele servicii speciale, ce nu pot fi oferite de terti, in cazul in care nu au fost semnalate in rezervari si in contractul de prestari servicii.

Conditii de plata si penalizare

Conditiile de plata si penalizare valabile pentru acest hotel le regasiti pe link-ul:

Informatii standard

Conform OG2/ 2018, la momentul ofertarii unui pachet de servicii de calatorie, atat agentia de turism organizatoare cat si agentia de turism intermediara, trebuie sa furnizeze calatorului informatiile standard valabile pentru acest pachet turistic. Acestea se descarca de pe link-ul:

Informatii precontractuale

Conform OG2/ 2018, la momentul ofertarii unui pachet de servicii de calatorie, atat agentia de turism organizatoare cat si agentia de turism intermediara, trebuie sa furnizeze calatorului informatiile precontractele valabile pentru acest pachet turistic / destinatie. Acestea se descarca de pe link-ul:
Informatiile de mai sus sunt valabile si vor fi folosite doar in cazul in care Cocktail Holidays este agentia organizatoare, iar agentia de unde se oferteaza / achizitioneaza pachetul actioneaza ca intermediar.
Cocktail Holidays nu isi asuma raspunderea in cazul in care informatiile de mai sus nu sunt inmanate turistilor, la momentul ofertarii pachetelor.
Oferta generata din sistemul agentiei Cocktail Holidays, impreuna cu informatiile standard & precontractuale sunt parte integranta a contractului privind pachetul de servicii de calatorie achizitionat si nu pot fi modificate decat prin acordul explicit al partilor contractante.


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